The Best “Magic” Manhwa – A Returner’s Magic Should be Special

A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special is the best “magic-themed” manhwa out there and has a claim to be the best “reincarnation” type manhwa ever written as well. It is the complete package. What do you like? Quality Art? A Compelling Story? Likable, multi-dimensional Characters? Check, check aaaaand Check!

I can keep going. Impressive worldbuilding? Good Power Progression? You guessed it, it has them.

You name it, A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special’s got it. And as icing on the cake, this manhwa even has well-crafted antagonists, as they have fleshed out backstories, compelling Thanos-esc motivations, and worldviews that might be distorted but understandable. Overall, this top manhwa truly has it all, and if you have not yet read it, it is highly recommended.

So, if you haven’t go read it!

And if you need more persuading don’t worry, I got you.

Let’s get into it.

The Good


A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special” is a manhwa with high art quality and a distinct style that only improves as the series progresses.

In a story like this, which centers around magic, the artist must not only convey emotions and depict stunning landscapes, but also effectively depict everything from spells and potions to enchanted objects and fantastical creatures.


The Shadow Labyrinth, a disaster unlike any other in human history, has left only six survivors, including Desir Arman. These six brave individuals attempt to conquer the final level of the labyrinth, but their efforts prove fruitless, leading to the end of the world.

However, as Desir faces his own demise, he is suddenly transported back in time to 13 years earlier, to his days at Havrion, the finest magic academy in the nation. Here, he is reunited with his dear friends and determined to alter the past in order to save the world and those he holds dear.

With three years until the Shadow World emerges, Desir sets out to gather powerful allies and change the course of history in order to save humanity.

What Sets “A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special” Apart From Similar Series?

There are a lot of things that make A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special stand out when compared to similar manhwa.


One of the standout elements of “A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special” is the well-developed and believable world in which it is set. The manhwa boasts a rich history, featuring diverse civilizations and nations with distinct ideologies that are in opposition to one another.

This attention to worldbuilding helps to create a fully realized and immersive setting for the story. A key story mechanic that adds depth and realism to the world of “A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special” is the concept of the Shadow World, which allows the main characters to visit the past.

The Shadow World not only helps to establish the history and context of the world but also aids in creating a sense of believability and immersion for the reader.

A Very Particular Set of Skills

“A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special” offers a refreshing take on the typical power dynamic found in many manhwas of this genre.

Desir, the main character, is not the most powerful individual in the story. In fact, there are mages who far surpass his abilities, such as his best friend Zod or some of the antagonists he faces. Desir’s powers, while formidable and capable of disrupting and reversing the effects of magic, are not unlimited.

He has clear limitations in his potential as a mage, and his main advantage throughout the story is his knowledge of future events. However, even this knowledge is not all-encompassing and becomes obsolete as he learns new information and makes changes to the course of history.


The characters of “A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special” are the beating heart of the story. Each character is unique, with their own distinct personalities, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. The author does a great job of fleshing out these characters, giving them the character development they deserve. Which makes this truly a top manhwa.

This multi-dimensional portrayal of the characters helps to make them feel real and relatable and makes readers connect with them, root for them or in the case of the antagonists at least understand their point of view.

The reason I have this under the “What makes A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special Different?” part of this article is how the author’s well-written of the antagonists.


I am not even exaggerating when writing that I have never read a manhwa with better-written antagonists. The main one that we as readers have experienced more is “Crow Mask”. The best comparison to Crow Mask is Pain from Naruto Shippuden.

Both Characters in another story could be the protagonist but at some point, their experiences were so tragic and painful that they set them on the wrong path.

Characters with noble goals but a perception so twisted and morally corrupt that they ended up becoming tragic villains.

While “Crow Mask” has been the primary antagonist encountered by readers thus far, he is not the “main villain” of the story. No, far from it. The main villain is much more sinister. A seemingly immortal puppet master that has controlled history from the background from the dawn of time.

The person, whose interference with the world might be the sole reason that the world is going to end in the first place. With motivations that are still unclear and unknown to us and power so great that we cannot even imagine its limit.

So yeah, the villains in this manhwa just hit different.

Protagonist & Supporting Cast

Desir, the protagonist of “A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special,” is a compelling and engaging character. He is easy to root for and generates a sense of empathy in the reader. Despite his limitations, he is fearless and selfless, willing to sacrifice everything to defend his loved ones and the greater good.

Additionally, the fact that he is not a fully realized being in terms of his powers allows for a natural and satisfying progression in his abilities, a rarity among similar manhwa.

The supporting cast of “A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special” is a shining example of what a well-crafted ensemble should be. These characters are richly developed and full of personality, with realistic group dynamics and distinct powers and roles in the story.

The care and attention given to character building in the manhwa extend to other characters as well, ensuring that their personalities, motivations, and roles in the story are fully realized and well-constructed.

The Bad

You Win Some You Lose Some

When constructing a story there are some tradeoffs that writers sometimes have to do. In this case, “A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special” pacing is slow, especially in the beginning.

The manhwa never lost me, however, compared to similar manhwa, who choose the adrenaline-filled, hype moment after hype moment route, “A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special” certainly takes time to build its world and its characters, so keep that in mind.

Final Verdict

Story: 9.5/10

Art: 8/10

Characters: 9.5/10

Overall: 9/10

This story is excellent and has everything you could want. It has well-developed characters and a detailed and well-crafted world. It may start off a bit slowly, but the end story is very captivating and the payoffs are worth the slow start.

It is by far the best magic manhwa out there so go ahead and experience it yourself!

About Kon 10 Articles
Long time blogger, anime watcher and manga & manhwa reader. I decided to start TheAnimeMind to provide quality recommendations meant for both beginners and experts alike.

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